Η Ανακάλυψη των Προσαρμογόνων Βοτάνων

The Discovery of Adaptive Herbs

After I turned 45, signs of blood contamination started to affect my body. The various warning lights started coming on, I didn't know what to do, but I didn't have the time, money, or energy to look into it. The pain in my right arm was excruciating, the anti-inflammatories I took to treat the pain caused gastrointestinal problems, I couldn't ignore it, because then the illness followed, forcing me to drop everything and look for a solution.

Then I learned about visceral fat, candida , pylori bacteria, gluten intolerance, the size of cysts I had on my breasts and ovaries something I had to monitor every 6 months, that's when I understood the connection between detox and sleep and the role the liver plays in this process. Impurity-contaminated blood can't function properly and flush out all the garbage it's accumulated, then 2 a.m. will ring a bell and you'll feel restlessness, fluttering chest, and irregular heartbeat. This is followed by sweating, hot flashes, itching mainly at night, then you put on weight mainly accumulate fat and lose muscle mass, later bone mass, you get thyroid, pressure, insulin resistance, you have various deficiencies in vitamins, trace elements and salts... ...simply put, the blood has become sticky, it doesn't circulate properly, it's blocked, and it can't carry the oxygen and nutrients it needs to the organs to do what they need to do.

Think about it in a simple way, the heart as a pump, the liver and kidneys as filters, the lungs as an air filter, the circulatory system as sewer pipes, the nervous system as electrical interconnecting cables, the brain as a central computer server, and decide whether you will you could leave them unattended.

The system and in general the rhythms we live in do not help, they do not help any of us, but we discovered the helper, the adaptogenic herbs. They number only a few dozen but their benefits are countless. The word adaptogen says it by itself, it adapts to your own needs, for example if I have high blood pressure it will lower it for me and if you have low blood pressure it will raise it for you.

Adaptogenic herbs help to purify the blood so that it is not sticky, clean the walls of the arteries, so that it has a proper flow to the organs so that they can function properly, resulting in holistic restoration and restoring the body to health and well-being.

To understand what happens to internal organs when blood circulation deteriorates, imagine, for example, a moisture-loving plant and stop watering it properly. It will wither quickly! The same is true of the internal organs. But what will happen to a sick, wilted plant if you start watering it as much as it needs again? It will become healthy and beautiful again. All cells have the ability to divide and renew themselves. Feed them and your organs will become healthier, and if you have chronic diseases, they will disappear!

The adaptogenic herbs:

  • They clean blood vessels of cholesterol, calcium build-up and blood clots.
  • They strengthen and stimulate the walls of blood vessels.
  • They normalize the permeability of small capillaries.
  • They activate the growth of the fine capillary network (it is what surrounds the internal organs).
  • They strengthen the heart muscle which prevents heart attack.
  • They stabilize blood sugar levels.
  • They improve blood clotting.
  • They remove excess fluid from the body. They reduce swelling, which often occurs in hypertensive patients.
  • They reduce the possibility of hypertensive crisis and stroke.

This process, of course, is not quick, but it is thorough. Your internal organs will be healthy again and you won't need pills! And the most pleasant thing is that we found a way to enjoy all this, the whole family to do prevention, something much cheaper and painless than rehabilitation.

We can't keep it to ourselves, that's why we share it with you, if you decide to say it too, just come to our group.

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